2022 China Refrigeration Expo, XECOM Scroll Compressor 1st Show in Chongqing

Experts and elites in the refrigeration and air-conditioning industry

In this summer

Gather in the beautiful mountain city

Focus on innovative quality and low-carbon health together

One of these

XECOM from Changzhou is a vortex.

It is the shining one of the many stars!

On August 3rd, the 2022 China Refrigeration Expo came to a successful end. The theme of this year Expo is “focus on innovative quality, committed to low carbon health”. XECOM, as a new star in the Scroll Compressor Industry, has attracted big attention from both customers and industry associations. 


XECOM embraces “A More ECO World” as our vision, and brings High Temperature Heat Pump, Refirgeration, and High Efficient Air Conditioning scroll compressors to the Expo.   


Display of Scroll Compressors



Media Interview

At XECOM booth of the Expo, we took interview with China Refrigeration Expo official Tiktok team.

Michael Lyu, the general manager said “we pay great attention to independent innovation and quick response to customer needs, we optimize scroll profile and compressor system design based on customer’s applications, then come up with compact size, high energy efficiency, less vibration, and low sound level.”


Next, let us walk you through our wonderful moments in the Expo.




Post Expo Sharing

Through this year China Refrigeration Expo, XECOM has exchanged trends and insights with experts from the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry, affirming that in the trend of Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutral global effort, scroll compressors have evolved towards more environment friendly refrigerants, wider operating range, and more efficient driving technology.

In the future, XECOM will continue to focus on high efficient scroll compressors, serve global customers through technological innovation, and committe all efforts to achieve our mission of “Providing ECO Cooling and Heating Solutions for Commercial and Residential Space, Food, Industry, and Transportation.”

Let us meet again at the 2023 China Refrigeration Expo in Shanghai!

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